Veefolio - Multipurpose Portfolio Template

Designing World

Designing World

Member since April 2016

Veefolio - Multipurpose Personal Portfolio Template

Veefolio is a modern and sophisticated portfolio template designed to showcase your work and accomplishments in a visually stunning manner. With its professional design, Veefolio provides a perfect platform for creative professionals, freelancers, photographers, and anyone looking to present their portfolio in an impressive way.

Built with the latest web technologies, with the power of Bootstrap 5, npm, Gulp 4, and JavaScript to ensure a seamless and efficient development experience. The template's responsiveness and compatibility with different devices and screen sizes make it easily accessible.

Its modern design aesthetic is characterized by its typography, bold imagery, and the blend of colors. The template provides various customizable sections, including a compelling hero section, project grids or carousels, skill bars, client testimonials, a contact form, and a well-defined footer.

With Veefolio, you can create an online presence, showcasing your skills, achievements, and creativity to stand out in the competitive digital world.

Template Features:

  • Bootstrap 5: Built on the latest version of Bootstrap, the template offers a solid and reliable foundation for responsive and mobile-first design.
  • Creative Design: Its features a visually appealing and creative design that helps you showcase your work in a unique and engaging manner.
  • Clean Code: Its follows best practices of clean coding, ensuring readability, maintainability, and easy customization. The code base is well-organized, commented, and structured.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Its tested and optimized to work across various modern browsers, ensuring a consistent and smooth user experience for visitors.
  • Documentation and Support: Comprehensive documentation is provided with the template, guiding you through the setup, customization, and usage. Additionally, support may be available to address any queries or issues you may encounter.
  • Easy Customization: It allows you to customize and personalize various aspects, such as colors, typography, layouts, and content, to align with your branding and preferences.
  • NPM: Its utilizes NPM (Node Package Manager) to manage and install various dependencies, making it easy to update and maintain the project.
  • Gulp 4: Gulp 4 is integrated into the template, enabling efficient task automation and streamlining the development process. JavaScript: Its leverages the power of JavaScript to add interactive elements, dynamic functionality, and smooth animations to your portfolio.
  • SCSS: It uses SCSS (Sass) as a preprocessor for CSS, allowing you to write clean and modular stylesheets with features like variables, mixins, and nesting.
  • Responsive Design: Its fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. It ensures that your portfolio looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • SEO-Friendly: Its designed with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your portfolio, potentially increasing your online visibility.
  • Performance Optimization: Its optimized for performance, ensuring fast loading times and efficient resource usage to provide visitors with a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.
  • Multiple Page Layouts: It offers various page layouts, including home, about, portfolio, services, blog, and contact pages, allowing you to present your work and information in a structured and organized manner.

What do you get?

  • HTML Files
  • SCSS Files
  • JS/CSS Files
  • Documentation


  • Bootstrap 5
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Google Fonts
  • Freepik
  • Slide Toggle
  • Animated Headline
  • Jarallax
  • Tiny Slider
  • VenoBox 2
  • Imageloaded
  • Isotope
  • Wow
  • Google Maps


All images are used only for preview purposes. These are not available in the downloaded package.

More by Designing World

Single License · $19 -52%

Version 1.0.0
  • Website Template
Labels bootstrap 5, creative portfolio, designer, freelancer, marketer, multipurpose, parallax, photographer, portfolio, startup
Released27 June 2023
WrapBootstrap Exclusive