Super Admin - Responsive Admin Template



Member since October 2012

SuperAdmin 2.1 Responsive Admin Template

SuperAdmin is a powerful-lightweight fully responsive retina display compatible admin template based on Bootstrap 4. SuperAdmin comes with 10 different themes and over 40 jQuery fully customized plugins. SuperAdmin is fully Responsive and adapt well in any devices.

Almost all the Bootstrap stock components and third party vendors are redesigned to match SuperAdmin User Interfaces.


  • Comes with 10 unique background themes.
  • Fully Responsive design, supported for desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
  • Complete User Interface elements and components.
  • Variety of form Components (Validation, Color picker, Date picker, Toggler, select, etc..)
  • Retina display ready Icons and Images
  • Sample pages included such as Messages, Listview, Login etc.
  • Bower Package Manager
  • Uses SASS and Gulp.js
  • Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap.
  • And many more....

Form Components

  • Input Groups
  • Input Masking
  • Select 2 custom select fields
  • Drag and drop file upload
  • Toggle Switches
  • Date and Time pickers
  • Color Pickers
  • Input Sliders
  • Button checkboxes and radios
  • Custom checkboxes
  • Icon toggles
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Ratings
  • Input field text counter

Sample Pages

  • Profile
  • Messages
  • Contacts
  • New Contact
  • Groups
  • Pricing Tables
  • Invoice
  • Todo Lists
  • Notes
  • Search Results
  • Issues Tracker
  • FAQ
  • Team
  • Blog
  • Blog Details
  • Questions & Answers
  • Questions & Answers Details
  • Login & Signup
  • Lockscreen
  • 404
  • Empty Page

Version 2.2


  • ZWIcons
  • Overlay Scrollbars
  • Form Layouts
  • Form Validations
  • Bootstrap File Browser
  • New CSS Animations
  • Vector Maps
  • Gulp.js
  • Source SCSS, JS and HTML files


  • All third party plugins are updated to the most recent version
  • Updated Bootstrap
  • Updated jQuery
  • Now Font-Face uses only woff and woff2 files
  • File/Folder structure


  • Bootstrap Notify (in favor of Bootstrap Toasts)
  • Salvatore (in favor of card-columns)
  • Bootstrap 3 responsive utility classes (in favor of Bootstrap 4’s display properties)
  • Material Design Iconic Fonts (in favor of ZWIcons)
  • Grunt.js (in favor of Gulp.js)
  • jQuery Scrollbars (in favor of Overlay Scrollbars)
  • Bower package manager

Version 2.1.2

  • Added CSS vendor prefixes for better cross browser support
  • Bug Fixes
  • Added PostCSS task in Gulpfile.js

Version 2.1

  • Theme switcher has been updated with actual theme previews
  • Added new toolbar demo - Toolbar Inner
  • Added new javascript component - Treeview
  • New Widgets:
  • Tags
  • Time
  • Tree View
  • New form components:
  • Text counter
  • Ratings
  • Icon Toggles
  • New Pages:
  • New Contact
  • Search Results
  • Issue Tracker
  • FAQ
  • Team
  • Blog
  • Blog Details
  • Questions and Answers
  • Questions and Answers Details

Version 2.0

  • Completely redesigned
  • Dropped Bootstrap 3 in favor of version 4

Version 1.0.3

  • Free Front-end Template Included
  • 2 variant Photo Galleries
  • New Template Skin
  • Icon Resource links

Version 1.0.2

  • Removed the Photo Gallery for update purpose.
  • Removed the Weather Widget for update purpose.
  • Added CSS animation for certain missing elements in Firefox Browser.
  • Added CSS animation for Dropdown component.
  • Updates the Scroll Smoothness in IE9 Browser.

Version 1.0

  • Initial Release

More by rushenn

Single License · $19 -52%

Version 2.2.0
  • Website Template
Labels admin, admin template, backend template, dashboard, lightweight admin, responsive admin, responsive dashboard, webapp
Released23 May 2014
Updated28 April 2019
WrapBootstrap Exclusive