Bodeo - Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose Theme



Member since April 2014


Responsive, multi-purpose Bootstrap 4 theme

Versatile theme & templates for shops, blogs, portfolios, landing pages, business sites & more. Now on the latest Bootstrap 4.3.1!

Isometric shots


  • 100% built on Bootstrap 4 (4.3.1)
  • AngularJS app example & mock data
  • Complete theme, templates and UI kit
  • Mobile-ready to work on all devices
  • HTML & CSS clean & optimized
  • Subtle, elegant animations
  • Multiple color themes (CSS & SASS)
  • 10+ versatile layouts
  • 50+ page examples
  • 40+ snippets / shortcode examples
  • Admin/dashboard layout
  • Color designed for readability
  • Page preloader
  • Custom modal sizes
  • Sticky top navbar example
  • Lossy compressed images
  • jQuery script included
  • Customize with SASS or CSS
  • Gulp script for recompilation

Tech stack


  • /about.html - About page to describe a site or company
  • /blank.html - A blank page ready for content
  • /blog-detail.1.html - Alternate single Blog post layout with comments and related posts below
  • /blog-detail.html - Single Blog post page with comments and related posts below
  • /blog.html - Blog page with carousel slider, highlighted posts and sidebar
  • /cards.html - Page with various examples of cards and card layouts
  • /cart.html - A shopping cart page with list of products and link to checkout
  • /clients.html - Client or testimonials page with profiles and quotes
  • /contact.html - Contact information page and contact form
  • /dashboard.html - Admin dashboard style page various cards, tabs and sidebar menu
  • /demos.html - Demos page with various examples
  • /elements.html - Reusable widgets and elements than demonstrate various UI components
  • /error-404.html - 404 not found error page
  • /faq.html - Frequently Asked Questions page using an accordion-style collapsing sections
  • /features.html - Features grid with icons and headings, and an alternating "featurettes" list
  • /index.html - Hello home page! A long scrolling slider with various sections
  • /invoice.html - An example billing invoice page with tables
  • /layout-2-col.html - A 2-column example layout page with sidebar and main content area
  • /layout-3-col.html - A 3-column example layout page with sidebar, ads and main content area
  • /layout-full.html - A full-screen width example layout page with sidebar and main content area
  • /layout-grid.html - A grid layout page with images that can be used for blocks of content
  • /layout-image.html - Full-screen photo image background layout with centered overlay CTA
  • /layout-masonry.html - A multi-column layout for multiple cards or content blocks in masonry pattern
  • /layout-offcanvas.html - A layout with off-canvas overlay multi-level sidebar menu on the left
  • /layout-sidebar.html - A layout with responsive multi-level sidebar menu on the left
  • /layout-slider.html - layout with full-screen carousel images and overlay caption on each slide
  • /layout-video.html - Full-screen video background layout with centered overlay CTA
  • /legal.html - Legal jargon page for terms, privacy notice, etc..
  • /login.html - User Login and Registration (Sign-up) forms example page
  • /pg-medical.html - Medical or dental home page example
  • /pg-restaurant.html - Restaurant dining menu example
  • /portfolio.html - A portfolio layout with carousel and image grid
  • /pricing.html - Pricing or options tables page example
  • /product-detail.html - Single product details page with Add to Cart button
  • /products.html - Products list page for e-commerce
  • /results.html - Search results page with form
  • /user-profile.html - Tabbed user profile page with image and form





  • fix sidebar accordion parent issue
  • fix Toast overlay on dashboard page


  • upgrade to Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • small fixes in Cards display
  • include Toast examples in Admin page


  • upgrade to Bootstrap 4.2.1


  • add latin-extended fonts for Montserrat and Rokkitt


  • upgrade to Bootstrap 4.1.3
  • upgrade to AngularJS 1.7
  • fix SASS theme-colors from brand-
  • fix form input prepend append padding


  • upgrade to Bootstrap 4.1.0
  • migrate img-responsive to img-fluid
  • fix data-parent accordion markup
  • fix multi carousel slide height
  • migrate input-group-addon to input-group-append/prepend
  • various minor layout improvements


  • update to Bootstrap 4 (stable release)
  • fix scrollspy offset undefined error
  • fix 404 error in AngularJS app


  • update to Bootstrap 4 Beta 3
  • use modal-dialog-centered on small modal


  • fix close icon display on mobile nav
  • remove extra clearfix divs


  • update to Bootstrap 4 Beta 2
  • minor html fixes


  • change to outline buttons in some areas
  • remove extra classes from stats card
  • move demo CSS to separate file
  • updates to restaurant menu


  • fix alignment of "more" section on home page
  • fix alignment of pagination on products list
  • hide text in sidebar on small widths


  • various fixes for Bootstrap 4 Beta migration
  • improve product and results list pages
  • fix SASS grayscale bug


  • upgrade to Bootstrap 4 Beta
  • update image links on demo page
  • update padding on cards with progress


  • fix version info in docs.html
  • fix version on WrapBootstrap


  • fix google static maps
  • remove unnecessary CSS class in dashboard


  • fix spacing issues on products list


  • initial release Bootstrap 4.0.alpha-6

Extended License · $600

Licenses: Details

Prices are in US dollars

Version 1.1.8
  • Website Template
Labels angular, app, bootstrap 4, multipurpose, one page, portfolio, responsive, sass, shop, sidebar
Released28 July 2017
Updated28 March 2019