Blue Moon - Bootstrap 4 Admin Theme

Bootstrap Gallery

Bootstrap Gallery

Member since November 2012

BlueMoon is a premium admin dashboard template comes with Horizontal Navigation design. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3, SASS and jQuery. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. Its a professional, modern, complete and flexible Admin template that can be used to build all kind of Web Applications, Backend Applications, Custom Admin Panels, Admin Dashboards, CMS, CRM.

Once you purchase the template you can download all future updates for free! I will provide a good and as fast as possible support via the contact form on my profile.

  • ** Analytics Dashboard**
  • ** CRM Dashboard**
  • ** Ecommerce Dashboard**
  • ** Helpdesk Dashboard**
  • ** Project Management Dashboard**
  • ** Quick Dashboard**
  • ** Real Estate Dashboard**
  • ** Retail Dashboard**
  • ** Smart Dashboard**
  • ** Hotel Dashboard**
  • ** Travel Dashboard**
  • Daily Sales Dashboard
  • ** Hotels Dashboard**

    • Hotel Details
    • Hotel Ratings
    • Hotel Listings
    • Hotel Bookings
    • Hotel Recommended
    • Hotel Reviews
    • Hotel Locations Map
  • University / College / School Dashboard

    • University Staff / Team
    • University Blog
    • University Courses
    • Team Contacts
    • FAQ's
    • Search Results
    • Team Photo Gallery
  • Property / Real Estate Dashboard

    • Property List
    • Property Detail
    • Property Search Filters
    • Property Gallery
  • Trading Dashboard

    • Trading Dashboard Graphs
    • Trading Tables

Alt text

Key Features

  • Built with latest Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • Main Dashboard Multi Levele Menu
  • Implemented in Modular Scss Files (Compiled CSS included)
  • Main Dashboard Template + 8 Additional Dashboard Templates
  • Developer Friendly Code
  • Responsive – Adapts to any device
  • Horizontal and Vertical Navigation Menus
  • jQuery Powered
  • SCSS file Included
  • 100+ Widgets
  • 1000+ UI Components
  • RTL Support for few templates
  • Drag & Drop Cards

  • Layout Options

    • Default layout, Boxed layout, Full-screen layout, and Offcanvas Layouts
  • Custom Icon Fonts

    • Icomoon and Font Awesome
  • Tasks App

  • Chat App
  • Contacts App
  • Projects App
  • Gallery App
  • Invoice
  • Blog
  • Pricing Plans
  • Timeline
  • Maintenance
  • Comments
  • Faq's
  • Search Results
  • User Cards
  • User Profile
  • Spinners and Loading
  • Toasts

  • Graphs

    • C3 Graphs, Flot Graphs, Morris Graphs, Sparkline Graphs, Per Circle Chart, Temp gauge and Peity Graphs
  • Maps

    • Google Maps and JVector Maps
  • Authentication

    • Login, Signup, Forgot Password, Coming Soon, Lock Screen, 404, 505 and Account Secure
  • Tables

    • Data Tables, Static Tables and Custom Tables
  • Form Inputs and Input Groups

  • Simple and Custom Styled Advanced Forms
  • Custom Contact Forms
  • Subscribe Form
  • Check Out Form
  • Summer Note Editor
  • Integrated WYSIWYG Editors(Bootstrap wysihtml5)

  • Plugins

    • Date pickers, Color picker and Tree View, Custom Widgets, BS Select Dropdown, and Range Slider
  • General UI Elements CSS based

    • Buttons, Button Groups, Cards, Dropdowns, Labels, Badges, List Items, Progress bars, Nav bars, Typography, Paginations
  • General UI Elements jQuery based

    • Tabs, Modals, Accordions, Popovers, Tooltips, Carousels, Notifications
  • And more features are coming soon. Stay tuned!

Next Release - Coffee Shop/Hotel Admin Dashboard

Version 6.0

  • ** Analytics Dashboard**
  • ** CRM Dashboard**
  • ** Ecommerce Dashboard**
  • ** Helpdesk Dashboard**
  • ** Project Management Dashboard**
  • ** Quick Dashboard**
  • ** Real Estate Dashboard**
  • ** Retail Dashboard**
  • ** Smart Dashboard**
  • ** Hotel Dashboard**
  • ** Travel Dashboard**
  • Daily Sales Dashboard
  • ** Hotels Dashboard**
    • Hotel Details
    • Hotel Ratings
    • Hotel Listings
    • Hotel Bookings
    • Hotel Recommended
    • Hotel Reviews
    • Hotel Locations Map

Version 4.0.3

  • Multi Level Menu
  • Added Toasts
  • Added Toggle Buttons

Version 4.0.2

  • Updated Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • Added new Dashboard - Daily Sales

Version 4.0.1

We have added three new themes - University/School/College Dashboard, Property/Real Estate Dashboard and Trading Dashboards

  • University / College / School Dashboard

    • University Staff / Team
    • University Blog
    • University Courses
    • Team Contacts
    • FAQ's
    • Search Results
    • Team Photo Gallery
  • Property / Real Estate Dashboard

    • Property List
    • Property Detail
    • Property Search Filters
    • Property Gallery
  • Trading Dashboard

    • Trading Dashboard Graphs
    • Trading Tables

Version 4.0

  • Bootstrap 4.1.3
  • Created Two Additional Dashboards pages in Main Dashboard
  • Created Three New Layouts in Main Dashboard
  • Created Layout with Date Range Option
  • Added Two New Dashboard Templates
  • Added Vertical Navigation Templates
  • Chat App
  • Tasks App
  • Contacts App
  • New Pricing Plans
  • BS Select Dropdown Plugin
  • Range slider plugin
  • New Cards
  • New Widgets
  • Custom Tabs
  • New Invoice
  • Secure Account
  • Google Maps
  • Lock Screen
  • Four New Contact Forms
  • Subscribe Form
  • Check Out Form
  • Summer note Editor
  • Faq's
  • Search Results
  • Custom Tables

Version 3.0

  • Bootstrap 4
  • Two New Themes
  • New Widgets
  • Vertical Navigation
  • Boxed Layout
  • Boxed Slim Layout
  • Off canvas Menu
  • Slim Navigation
  • Pricing Plans
  • New Login and Signup
  • Fullscreen Layout
  • Drag and Drop Panels
  • Cards
  • New Dashboard
  • Map Skins
  • Flot Graphs
  • Panels
  • Morris Graphs
  • User Cards
  • Contacts
  • Spinners
  • Widgets

Version 2.0

  • Added New Dashboard Layout
  • Clean Design and Easy Customization
  • Custom Bootstrap Navbar
  • Tree view
  • New User Profile Page
  • Widgets - New UI components
  • Form Validations
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Updated Bootstrap v3.3.7
  • 1500 Icomoon Icons
  • New Calendar
  • Tasks
  • C3 Graphs
  • Vector Maps
  • New Image Gallery
  • Coming Soon
  • More Data tables features
  • Coming Soon
  • 404 Page
  • New Login
  • New SignUp
  • Forgot Password
  • Added Tree view
  • Added Lock Screen
  • Maintenance
  • Spinners/Loading
  • Color picker
  • Changes in responsive navigation

Version 1.0.9

  • Added New Dashboard
  • Added NVD3 Graphs
  • Fixed Navigation issue in iPad
  • Fixed UI Issues

Version 1.0.8

  • Added New Dashboard
  • Tabs Widget
  • Products Status Table
  • Notifications
  • Bootstrap v3.3.5
  • Widgets
  • Font Awesome 4.4.0
  • Animated Progress Bars

Version 1.0.7

  • Added Blog Page
  • Added Blog Full Page
  • Added Combo Chart
  • Fixed Google table width

Version 1.0.6

  • Added Timeline
  • Fixed Dropdown CSS Issues

Version 1.0.5

  • Dashboard Layout Version 2
  • Horizontal Dropdown Multi-Level Navigation
  • Added dropdown menus in Header
  • Made changes in Header
  • Panels
  • Notifications
  • Pricing Plan
  • More UI Features
  • Default Layout
  • Fixed UI Issues

Version 1.0.4

  • Updated with Bootstrap v3.3.1
  • Fixed UI Issues
  • Flot Graphs
  • Vector Maps
  • Default Layout

Version 1.0.3

  • Updated with Bootstrap 3
  • Fixed UI Issues
  • Added Font Awesome Icons

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed responsive alignment issues
  • Changes in the header area
  • As per client's requirement added a few media queries.

Version 1.0.1

  • Redesigned header
  • Added few media queries for Ipad and mobile
  • Added more graphs and charts
  • Redesigned on metro navigation
  • Minor improvements

More by Bootstrap Gallery

Multiple License · $129

Licenses: Details

Prices are in US dollars

Version 6.0.0
  • Website Template
Labels admin, bootstrap4, chat app, dashboard, graphs, invoice, maps, tasks app, ui elements, widgets
Released05 March 2013
Updated09 March 2020
WrapBootstrap Exclusive