BeyondAdmin - Responsive Admin App



Member since June 2014


BeyondAdmin Features:

  • Available in 6 different version: MVC version, AngularJS version, Web Forms Version, HTML version, ReactJs version and Front-End.
  • Built with Latest Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Carefully Implemented in HTML5 & CSS3
  • Accurately Styled Elements and Pages
  • Latest jQuery v2.1.3
  • Fully Responsive & Interactive
  • Awesome CSS3 Animations
  • Implemented in Modular LESS Files (compiled CSS included)
  • Colorful and Lightweight Design
  • Right-to-left Direction Support (Arabic and Persian Layouts Included)
  • Responsive Multilevel Main Menu
  • Full Widget Control
  • Amazing Data boxes
  • Complete Email Template
  • Modern Profile page
  • UI Elements
    • All bootstrap Elements in Delightful Colors
    • Responsive Tabs and Accordions
    • Notifications (jQuery toaster)
    • Nestable List
    • Bootstrap FuelUX Tree
  • Forms
    • Form Layouts
    • Form Inputs
      • Inputs in multiple sizes, styles and colors
      • Input Groups and Button Add-ons
      • Validation State
      • Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Switches
    • Form wizard (FuelUX Wizard)
    • Form Vlidation (Bootstrap Validator)
    • Form Data Pickers
      • Bootstrap Date Picker
      • Bootstrap Time Picker
      • Bootstrap Range Date Picker
      • Color Picker (jQuery MiniColors)
      • JQuery Select2
      • Bootstrap Tags Input
      • Spinner
      • JQuery Knob
      • Sliders
        • noUiSlider
        • jQRangeSlider
    • Form Editors
      • Summernote Editor
      • Wysiwyg Editor
  • Charts
    • Flot Chart
    • jQuery Sparklines
    • Morris Chart
    • Chartjs
    • jQuery Easy Pie Chart
  • Tables
    • Simple and responsive tables
    • Flip Scroll Tables
    • Editable DataTables
    • Expandable DataTables
    • Search Enabled DataTables
  • Icons
    • Font Awesome 4.1.0
    • Typicons
    • Weather Icons
    • Glyphicons
  • Full Calendar (jQuery Full Calendar)
  • Pages
    • Responsive Timeline
    • Pricing Tables
    • Invoice Page
    • Login
    • Register
    • Lockscreen
    • Error Pages

1.6.1 - Latest Version

  • Updated:

    • Bootstrap updated to 3.3.7.
  • Resolved or Enhanced:

    • Fixed some minor issues in css and app.js.


  • Added:

    • ReactJs Version
  • Resolved or Enhanced:

    • Documentation Updated.
    • AngularJs autoscroll problem after page redirect resolved.


  • Added:

    • Landing Pages (E-commerce, Portfolio, General Landing)
    • MVC Helpers Source Code
  • Updated:

    • Bootstrap updated to 3.3.6.
    • ChartJS updated to 1.0.2 (All versions).
    • Select2 updated to 4.0.1 (All versions).
    • DateRangePicker updated to 2.1.13
    • Asp.Net Identity updated to 2.2.1 (MVC and WebForms)
  • Resolved or Enhanced:

    • RadioButtonFor now renders Text if text is provided.
    • Multiple Select2 problem with multiline resolved.
    • Single Select2 problem with showing AllowClear icon resolved.
    • DatePicker issue in modal pop up resolved.


  • Added:

    • Input Masks Added (All versions).
    • DropzoneJs Added (All versions).
    • Breadcrumbs helper added to WebForms version.
    • Multi-Select example added to AngularJs version.
    • .Net 4.5.1 and 4.5 versions of helpers dll added to MVC version.
  • Updated:

    • Bootstrap updated to 3.3.5.
    • FullCalendar updated to 2.3.2 (All versions).
    • Select2 updated to 4.0 (All versions).
    • SlimScroll updated to 1.3.6
  • Resolved or Enhanced:

    • Daterangepicker reference issue resolved (AngularJs version).
    • بازدید صفحات section of Persian Dashboard responsive issue resolved.
    • SlimScroll in fixed sidebar menu issue resolved (All versions).
    • Chatbar Issue in very small screens resolved (All versions).
    • Bundle problem after deployment for inside css file references resolved (MVC version).
    • Route parameters are now considered in site map provider helper (MVC version).
    • Url is now considered in site map provider helper (MVC version).
    • Arabic and Persian fonts problem resolved (All versions).
    • Mime-Type for woff and woff2 files added (.Net versions).

1.4.1 - 06/06/2015

  • Changes:

    • FontAwesome Updated to 4.3.
    • Mail pages added to Webforms version.
    • Packages folder removed from Webforms and MVC version.
    • RTL prepend font improved.
    • Absolute addresses removed from MVC and AngularJs versions.
    • Checkbox issue in JQuery Datatables resolved.
    • TimePicker padding issue in DateRangePicker resolved.
    • Menu hide issue in compact state in AngularJs version resolved.

1.4.0 - 05/04/2015

  • Changes:

    • Web Forms version added.
    • Bootstrap updated to 3.3.4.
    • Jquery updated to 2.1.3.
    • Switch problem in mvc version resolved.
    • Jquery DataTables updated to 10.5.0.
    • RTL changer issue resolved.
    • some other minor bugs resolved.

1.3.0 - 03/05/2015

  • Changes:

    • AngularJS version added.
    • minor bugs resolved.

1.2.2 - 02/07/2015

  • Changes:

    • Chat Widget Added.
    • Complete Implementation of Identity (With EF and also Built-in Database) Added.
    • Fuelux Spinner replaced by Fuelux Spinbox.
    • MVC Checkbox null reference and render problem resolved.
    • MVC SelectList null reference problem resolved.
    • MVC Datatables optimized.

1.2.1 - 01/05/2015

  • Changes:

    • Layout issue resolved
    • Real-time flot chart updated
    • LESS bugs fixed

1.2.0 - 01/01/2015

  • Changes:

    • Bootstrap version updated to 3.3.1.
    • First page layout optimized.
    • Loading indicator optimized.
    • Area Support added to MVCSiteMapProvider Helper in MVC version.
    • Disable check-box visibility issue in MVC version resolved.
    • Bootstrapvalidator problem with colored switches resolved (Bootstrapvalidator updated to latest version).
    • Add new row problem in editable table fixed.

1.1.0 - 11/10/2014

  • Changes:

    • MVC version added.
    • Slim Scroll added to menu in fixed state.
    • IE compatibility issue fixed.
    • Text overflow for inbox fields added.

1.0.2 - 08/24/2014

  • Changes:

    • Sidebar Menu Collapse functionality improved
    • Fixed Style Settings now saves in cookie.
    • 4095 Issue resolved for IE9.

1.0.1 - 08/19/2014

  • Changes:

    • Google Analytics slowness problem resolved.
    • Initial Widgets JavaScript rewritten.
    • RTL support JavaScript issue resolved.
    • Dashboard and Menu structure improved.

1.0.0 - 08/15/2014

  • Changes:

    • Initial release

Single License · $39

Licenses: Details

Prices are in US dollars

Version 1.6.1
  • Website Template
Labels admin template, angular, angularjs, mvc, front end, landing page, mvc, react, reactjs, responsive dashboard
Released15 August 2014
Updated12 February 2018
WrapBootstrap Exclusive