Adminio - Bootstrap 4 Dark Admin



Member since April 2014

Adminio is a modern Bootstrap 4 dashboard template. It contains many useful UI elements, awesome JavaScript plugins integrations to kickstart your development.

It contains 26 HTML page templates, all of them in 6 colour variants. SASS files are also included in the download.

This template was brought to you by Bootstrapious.

Pages included in this template:

  • Main dashboard with 14 different widget types
  • Basic demo tables - 4 demo table styles
  • Data Table - advanced data table with ordering, filtering, pagination
  • Charts - Custom styled line charts, bar charts, doughnut, pie chart and more
  • Gauge charts and Sparkline charts
  • Forms screen - showcase of all custom styled form elements you can use, including custom checkboxes, radios, animated form labels and more
  • Advanced forms - a set of advanced form elements - slider, Bootstrap select, multiselect, datepicker, input for tags, input masks
  • Autocomplete forms - a set of implementations of autocomplete form controls
  • WYSIWYG text editor
  • Multiple files upload- upload multiple files with image previews using a Dropzone field
  • Calendar
  • Notifications - page demonstrating automatically disappearing user messages
  • Loading buttons
  • Preloaders - a demonstration of possible preloader animations
  • Gallery - a page with lightbox gallery
  • Cards - a showcase of many possible card implementations
  • Login screen with a full-screen background image
  • Sign-up screen


  • Fully responsive
  • Latest Bootstrap 4.2.1
  • Megamenu in the navbar
  • Bootstrap sidebar with great UI
  • Html5, CSS3. Usage of modern approaches - flexbox, pseudoelements, etc.
  • Well-structured code
  • SEO friendly
  • Cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 10+, Opera)


Version 1.4.5 - 2019/02/05

Both versions

  • updated: Bootstrap to 4.2.1
  • improved: Navbar dropdowns on xs devices

Premium version

  • updated plugins: Bootstrap Select, Chart.js, Full Calendar, NoUI Slider, jQuery validation, Popper.js, Summernote
  • new pages: Split-page login and sign up (login-2.html, register-2.html), Invoice (pages-invoice.html)

Version 1.4.4 - 2018/07/31

  • updated: Bootstrap to 4.1.3
  • updated plugins: DataTables, Ladda, Dropzone
  • fixed: downgraded Ladda to 1.0.6 to fix compatibility issues
  • new pages: Profile (pages-profile.html), Contacts (pages-contacts.html), Pricing table (pages-pricing.html)

Version 1.4.3 - 2018/05/14

  • updated: Bootstrap to 4.1.1
  • updated plugins: Bootstrap Touchspin, Bootstrap Select, Ladda
  • updated: forms-advanced.js - wrapped NoUI Slider initialization in the function that checks its existence

Version 1.4.2 - 2018/04/19

Both versions

  • updated: Bootstrap to 4.1.0
  • updated plugins: PopperJs
  • updated CSS: .btn:focus:active now adheres to the primary colour

Premium version

  • updated plugins: NoUI Slider, Bootstrap Datepicker, Bootstrap Touchspin (initialization changed a bit in js/forms-advanced.js), GaugeJS

Version 1.4.1 - 2018/03/28

Both versions

  • updated plugins: ChartJS, Popper.js
  • added: form validation in login.html, register.html

Premium version

  • updated plugins: Dropzone, Full Calendar, Moment
  • fixed: Dropzone was missing dropzone.min.js after last update, added this plugin
  • fixed: Multiselect was missing one image, added multiselect-switch.png to img, corrected path in CSS
  • new: forms-validation.html - demo for of JavaScript validation possibilities, including validating the Summernote editor

Version 1.4.0 - 2018/03/02

  • added a language dropdown to the navbar
  • updated plugins: jQuery
  • added Google maps components
  • updated plugins: Dropzone, Ladda, NoUI Slider, Summernote

Version 1.3.2 - 2018/01/25

  • updated to Boostrap 4.0.0

More by ondrique

Extended License · $300

Licenses: Details

Prices are in US dollars

Version 1.4.5
  • Website Template
Labels admin, dark, dashboard, sass
Released29 March 2018
Updated25 February 2019