Admetro - Bootstrap 4 Admin Template



Member since April 2013

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Admetro is the new premium and fully responsive admin template. Concept of design for Infinite Admin is based on the current IOS design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework which compatible with both Bootstrap 3 & 4. Besides that, it is bundled with a lot of third party plugins and useable elements such as buttons, thumbnails, media objects and much moreā€¦


  • Built on top of Bootstrap 4.2.1 with Gulp
  • Compatible with jQuery 3.x
  • Reusable widget combination
  • 7 Page Options
  • 20+ Color Theme
  • Light & Black color tone for all widgets, header and sidebar
  • Compatible with 30+ jQuery plugins
  • FontAwesome Icon v5.+
  • Well Documented
  • Fully Responsive HTML5 Markup & CSS3
  • Compatible with DataTables & 9 DataTables Extension
  • Contrast Color
  • JShint & HTML5 Valid
  • HTML Pages Including:
  • Home
  • Analytics
  • Email Inbox
  • Email Compose
  • Email Detail
  • Widgets
  • Bootstrap UI Elements
  • Card
  • Buttons
  • Typography
  • Tabs & Accordions
  • Modal & Notifications
  • Icons
  • Form Elements
  • Form Plugins
  • Wizards
  • Form Upload
  • Summernote
  • Basic Tables
  • DataTables
  • Chart
  • Vector Map
  • Google Map
  • Fullcalendar
  • Starter Page
  • Fixed Footer Page
  • Full Width Page
  • Boxed Layout Page
  • Full Height Page
  • Search Page
  • 404 Error Page
  • Gallery Page
  • Coming Soon Page
  • Login Page
  • Register Page
  • Setting
  • Profile
  • Helper

Version 1.1

  • FIX: IE10&11 Flexbox CSS Support

Version 1.0

  • Initial Release

More by SeanTheme

Single License · $39 -34%

Version 1.1.0
  • Website Template
Labels admin template, apple design, clean, dashboard, gulp, ios, modern, sass, well documented
Released10 January 2019
Updated13 January 2019
WrapBootstrap Exclusive