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Where to find the main theme.min.css

10 months ago
I'm using the latest v5.1 download and I'm having a hard time getting the site to load the main theme.min.css. When using the default Index.html I don't see the base theme in the ../assan-main/public/assets/css folder. Or when you run gulp, same thing, the main themes are not found and the page isn't being loaded. Thoughts?
Creative DM
Creative DM SELLER
10 months ago
Hi rlayne,
Main css theme.min.css file is inside - /bootstrap-5/assan-main/public/assets/css/theme.min.css
Feel free to share web page url, I will assist you.

Best regards,
10 months ago
Okay, got it, I see the theme.min.css in the location you provided when I do a fresh download. The issue for me is when I'm running gulp it is deleting the theme.min.css file in that folder and it looks like it's erroring our and not repopulating the theme.min.css file. Maybe my npm or gulp is out of date or something if you're not getting this same error?

My npm version is 9.3.1 and my gulp version is 4.0.2

Here is a copy/paste of some of the console window text from that gulp run.
Error in plugin "sass"
Error: Undefined variable.

11 │ "primary": $primary-text-emphasis,
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

node_modules\bootstrap\scss\_maps.scss 11:14 @import
src\scss\theme-shop.scss 6:9 root stylesheet
[17:08:41] Finished 'buildCss' after 16 s
[17:08:41] Starting 'minifyCss'...
Creative DM
Creative DM SELLER
10 months ago
Thanks for clarify the issue!
I got it, its because of bootstrap variables in variables-dark.scss from bootstrap and our themes dark variables scss file.
Let me fix this for you and send you the latest : scss only folder by zip today!
Here is 8:30Am , I will back to system 11:00AM : will send you solution by the evening today!

And yes please stay tuned because a beautifully working Angular 16 Admin theme and many more amazing features coming into next update!

Best Regards
Creative DM
Creative DM SELLER
10 months ago
Hi rlayne,
I request you to send me your mail address here,
So I can send you download link of latest updated assan-main theme[Few new features which i working on, your scss bug fixed and more...]

Best Regards!
10 months ago
Hey Rakesh, I've replied back to you in a private DM, pls let me know if you've received it or not. I will reply back in the public forum once I've implemented and tried the fix.
Creative DM
Creative DM SELLER
10 months ago
Just Mailed you download link!
10 months ago
Rakesh, thank you for your prompt feedback and the quick fix - that worked!

Those new files when copied/pasted over into the .../bootstrap5/assan-main/src folder resolved my gulp error and the main site runs now without issue. I can see the main theme.css getting outputted now.

This template by itself is so nice and thanks for making it even better with quick support. Looking forward to the new updates. I would consider my issue closed.

Thanks again, have a good one!
AndreKraemer PURCHASED
9 months ago
Hi Rakesh,

I just sent you a DM as well. Could you please send me the download link, too?

Best regards,

8 months ago

I have the same issue when trying to run the multi-purpose theme for "bootstrap5".
Do you have fixes for this one?

Thank you
Creative DM
Creative DM SELLER
8 months ago
Hi Eduardo,
Please check your email, I shared latest files Url for download, Replace scss/css files as described into email!

Stay tuned new update which is almost done and available soon.

Best Regards!